Welcome To Me

So I was instructed by my editor to begin a blog. Actually, it was a demand. The demand was followed by…”Hell, I can’t believe you don’t have a blog! Why everyone has a blooooog!”  “And there you have it, I suppose that’s why I don’t,” I responded.

But I’m really not that flippant. Nor that affected. Truth is, authors (not all, but some) find comfort in hiding behind their characters. I can be a drug dealer who beats the hell out of his wife as my character Dylan Parker does in Five Percent of Nothing, I can be a maid who commits the ultimate horror as my character Ana Cartena does in Brazilwood, I can be a woman who takes advice from a leaky faucet like my character in Conversations With Verbs of Prey or even someone who talks to a bubble as my character in Suffering Surfactant does. But here, well here I’m just me. And if I’m just me, well then I risk it all.

So this is me. I am many things, like a raging hypochondriac…I was convinced I carried Ebola, Legionnaires and gangrene of the elbow at the same time. I have weird phobias: latex balloons and those canned bread products in the grocery stores among others. I am bombastically sensitive and extremely flawed.  I have a photographic memory and vividly dream in color. I hate getting drunk and haven’t run across a drug that doesn’t make me ill. I am currently concurrently engaged in one of the saddest and exciting times of my life. I’m allergic to Novocaine.

And the rest I hope you can work out with me along the way.

About connornicolas

My name is Connor Nicolas and I am an author. Hypochondriac. Vessel of weird phobias. I conjure fantastic worlds, compile sentences in my head and regurgitate them onto paper for your enjoyment.
This entry was posted in Brazilwood, Connor Nicolas, Conversations With Verbs of Prey, Five Percent of Nothing, Insecurity, Suffering Surfactant. Bookmark the permalink.

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